What is the importance of stroke?
Many people experience a new or recurrent stroke every year. Someone has a stroke every 40 seconds, and someone dies from it every 4 minutes. It is becoming a more common cause of death and disability in India; it is currently the fourth largest cause of death and the fifth major cause of disability. According to previous study, the annual incidence of stroke in India is between 105 and 152/100,000 persons. The majority are avoidable, and if caught early enough, the chances of a successful recovery are drastically improved.
An ischemic stroke, also known as a cerebral infarction, is the most frequent form of stroke. A blood artery delivering oxygen and nutrients to the brain is blocked, resulting in the loss of brain cells. Because these cells cannot be regenerated, the harm is irreversible. However, because the brain can change, many people improve and some may not have any long-term disabilities. A cerebral haemorrhage, on the other hand, occurs when a blood artery in the brain ruptures, producing bleeding and damage to brain tissue.
What are the most common causes of stroke?
High blood pressure, often known as hypertension, is the most significant risk factor. Diabetes, an abnormal heart rhythm known as atrial fibrillation, excessive cholesterol, smoking, physical inactivity, a family history, and chronic renal disease are all frequent risk factors.
How do you know if you’ve had a stroke?
Sudden weakness, numbness, or incoordination on one side or part of the body, drooping of the face, sudden loss of vision in one eye or on one side, difficulty speaking, speech problems or understanding speech, sudden onset dizziness, or impaired walking or balance are all symptoms of sudden onset dizziness.
When someone has a stroke, what should you do?
Think F.A.S.T.
Face: Request that the person smile. Is their face drooping?
Arm: Request that the person raise both arms. Is one arm dangling or drooping?
Speech: Listen to what the individual has to say. Is it possible that their speech is slurred? Do you understand what I’m saying? Is it possible for them to understand and respond normally to what you’re saying?
Time: It’s time to call emergency, if you or someone else is experiencing the signs or symptoms of it. Make a note of when the symptoms first appeared.
What are the symptoms? What exactly is a TIA?
Most people have no warning signs before a stroke, which is why it is critical to undergo frequent medical checkups to detect stroke risk factors and prevent stroke. People may suffer the possible symptoms for a short period of time. A transient ischemic attack, or “TIA,” is what this is known as. A TIA raises the likelihood of having it in the near future. Even if the symptoms of go away, call for help right away if you or someone else is experiencing them.
Is it possible to recover from it?
Ischemic stroke patients can be treated with tPA, a clot-busting medicine that helps to unblock the blocked blood artery and improves the chances of a full recovery. Within 4 1/2 hours of a stroke, this drug must be administered. The earlier tPA is administered, the higher the possibility of a successful recovery, therefore every second matters! Because there are certain risks associated with using tPA, not everyone is a good candidate.
What other tests and treatments are available?
A CAT scan or MRI of the brain and blood arteries to the brain may be used to diagnose the kind of stroke and whether any blood vessels are blocked or constricted in stroke patients. The most frequent causes of stroke, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and atrial fibrillation, can be identified with blood pressure monitoring, blood testing, and an EKG.
What can I do to avoid having a stroke?
Because the majority of individuals have no symptoms before a stroke, it’s critical to get frequent medical check-ups to detect and treat excessive blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, and atrial fibrillation before they cause a stroke. To minimise your risk, quit smoking, eat a nutritious diet rich in vegetables, fruits, lean meats, and complex carbs like whole wheat, and receive cardiovascular activity like 30 minutes of brisk walking five days a week.