The peripheral nervous system is made up of the nerves that branch out of the spinal cord to all parts of the body. Peripheral Neurology clinic studies all types of disorders of the peripheral nervous system i.e. roots, plexus, peripheral nerves, and Muscles thereby including such diverse diseases as radiculopathy, plexopathy, neuropathy, myopathy, dystrophy, and myotonias, etc. the common symptoms are:
-Tingling/numbness/unusual sensation
-Painful cramps
-Weakness in limbs/face/neck
-Thinning/wasting of muscles
Myopathy is a disorder of muscles commonly of arms and legs and rarely can involve the trunk, neck, face, and heart. Myopathy usually results in muscle weakness, thinning of muscles with stiffness and spasm, and sometimes pseudo hypertrophy as in muscular dystrophy.