Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological disorders that affects people of all ages, and it is a chronic condition. Epilepsy is, by definition, the tendency to have seizures in one’s life without a specific trigger. Most of these seizures are unpredictable, recurring, and unprovoked, with a wide range of symptoms, says the best Epilepsy Specialist in Faridabad – Dr. Rohit Gupta.
Approximately 23-69 people out of every 100,000 will have a seizure in their lifetime. Patients with epilepsy still face many challenges throughout their lifetime, but the tendency to repeat seizures is still low. Seizures are more common in early childhood, but the underlying causes differ by age. The most common causes of seizures in infants and toddlers include birth-related events and infections during childhood; adults and adolescents have seizures primarily due to accidental causes. Degenerative diseases or strokes are the main causes of seizures in elderly populations.
The duration of a seizure can range from 10 seconds to 2-3 minutes and rarely exceeds 5 minutes. When a patient has such a seizure, doctors immediately recommend an MRI brain scan and an EEG, which allow them to determine the best course of treatment.
Dos in Epilepsy: If you see someone having a seizure, please
- Be calm.
- Move objects out of the way.
- Put something soft under the head.
- Turn the person on their side.
- You should clear a path for emergency medical workers if you are in a public place.
Don’ts in Epilepsy:
- You should not restrain the person.
- Put nothing in the person’s mouth or offer food or drink.
- When the seizure has ended, do not attempt artificial respiration unless the person is not breathing.
- As well as medical help, the social conditioning of the patient is equally important due to the stigma associated with the disorder.
- Do not drink alcohol or use recreational drugs.
- Do not take medications for other medical conditions without consulting your doctor. Some medications could cause seizures.
- You do not have to participate in activities that may cause you to have a seizure just because others do it.
- You should not ignore situations where seizures are at risk. If you can’t completely avoid them, make sure you are not alone and that those who are with you know how to help you if you need it.
- You do not need to hide your meds at work or school or feel embarrassed to take them. Medication is a part of everyone’s life. Keeping them visible will remind you to take them on time.
Understanding epilepsy, how and why seizures happen, how to prevent them, and what to do if seizures do occur is the key to staying safe. Consult a neurologist or the best epilepsy specialist in Faridabadif you have epilepsy or suspect you may have the condition. Epilepsy patients will be given all the information and dos and don’ts they need in order to live a safe and happy life.